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ADDA > chp_time > used to trigger SaveIterChpoint() > chp_time / chpoint

Last updated at Posted at 2016-11-28
Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Japanese Remix
on VMWare Fusion v8.5.2 (4635224)
on OS X El Captian v10.11.4

GNU bash, version 4.3.11(1)-release

gcc (Ubuntu 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.3) 4.8.4 
(also for g++)
ADDA v.1.3b6

This article is related to ADDA (light scattering simulator based on the discrete dipole approximation).

Related: http://qiita.com/7of9/items/01d974c607dc70bfd68c

The SaveIterChpoint() is started as follows:

static void ProgressReport(void)
	// check condition for checkpoint; checkpoint is saved at first time
	if (chp_type!=CHP_NONE && chp_time!=UNDEF && complete) {
		if (chp_time<elapsed) {
			if (chp_type!=CHP_REGULAR) chp_exit=true;

The chp_time is set as follows:

	if (chp_time<=0) {
		if (chp_type==CHP_NONE) chp_type=CHP_ALWAYS;
	else if (chp_type==CHP_NONE) chp_type=CHP_NORMAL;

The chpoint is defined as:

	{PAR(chpoint),"<time>","Specifies the time for checkpoints in format '#d#h#m#s'. All fields are optional, numbers "
		"are integers, 's' can be omitted, the format is not case sensitive.\n"
		"Examples: 12h30M, 1D10s, 3600",1,NULL},

I could use them as:

$ ./adda -chp_type normal -chpoint 1s

However, because the calculation takes only 0.3 seconds, the checkpoint was not created. I need to increase the size parameter of the calculation or increase the number of dipoles.

test run using chpoint

Related: http://qiita.com/7of9/items/9537252c79f5318d8f55

$ ./adda -grid 25 -chp_type normal -chpoint 1s > log
all data is saved in 'run018_sphere_g26_m1.5'
box dimensions: 26x26x26
lambda: 6.283185307   Dipoles/lambda: 15
Required relative residual norm: 1e-05
Total number of occupied dipoles: 9328
Memory usage for MatVec matrices: 5.3 MB
Calculating Green's function (Dmatrix)
Fourier transform of Dmatrix......
Initializing FFTW3
Total memory usage: 9.0 MB

here we go, calc Y

x_0 = 0
RE_000 = 1.0000000000E+00
RE_001 = 9.9999576080E-01  + 
RE_002 = 9.6702179389E-01  + 
RE_003 = 9.5831484425E-01  + 
RE_004 = 8.7074351921E-01  + 
RE_005 = 8.4916072387E-01  + 
RE_006 = 7.4282306413E-01  + 
RE_007 = 7.3262106923E-01  + 
RE_008 = 6.5035228833E-01  + 
RE_009 = 6.5117783214E-01  - 
RE_010 = 6.0982893876E-01  + 
RE_011 = 6.0823892388E-01  + 
RE_012 = 6.0241885893E-01  + 
RE_013 = 5.9666909434E-01  + 
RE_014 = 5.8941129188E-01  + 
RE_015 = 5.7639110255E-01  + 
RE_016 = 5.7319829615E-01  + 
RE_017 = 5.6840168119E-01  + 
RE_018 = 5.6997623448E-01  - 
RE_019 = 5.7424475423E-01  - 
RE_020 = 5.7379895988E-01  -+
RE_021 = 5.7728328553E-01  - 
RE_022 = 5.6229360311E-01  + 
RE_023 = 5.5057173156E-01  + 
RE_024 = 5.2459311069E-01  + 
RE_025 = 4.9768116661E-01  + 
RE_026 = 4.7140145287E-01  + 
RE_027 = 4.4819382540E-01  + 
RE_028 = 4.2843841329E-01  + 
RE_029 = 4.1411171881E-01  + 
RE_030 = 4.0170471453E-01  + 
RE_031 = 3.9493687302E-01  + 
RE_032 = 3.8822095382E-01  + 
RE_033 = 3.8577540826E-01  + 
RE_034 = 3.8317197411E-01  + 
RE_035 = 3.8176790244E-01  + 
RE_036 = 3.8210811964E-01  - 
RE_037 = 3.8026702280E-01  + 
RE_038 = 3.8206834511E-01  - 
RE_039 = 3.7897419062E-01  + 
RE_040 = 3.8036053619E-01  - 
RE_041 = 3.7475621885E-01  + 
RE_042 = 3.7431151347E-01  + 
RE_043 = 3.6375549040E-01  + 
RE_044 = 3.6142688108E-01  + 
RE_045 = 3.4917939850E-01  + 
RE_046 = 3.4599066211E-01  + 
RE_047 = 3.4145929416E-01  + 
RE_048 = 3.3851426348E-01  + 
RE_049 = 3.3733980979E-01  + 
RE_050 = 3.3512074405E-01  + 
RE_051 = 3.3315194186E-01  + 
RE_052 = 3.3098144752E-01  + 
RE_053 = 3.2839613884E-01  + 
RE_054 = 3.2540677697E-01  + 
RE_055 = 3.2272283461E-01  + 
RE_056 = 3.1993934324E-01  + 
RE_057 = 3.1759752392E-01  + 
RE_058 = 3.1569013293E-01  + 
RE_059 = 3.1391979338E-01  + 
RE_060 = 3.1244712143E-01  + 
RE_061 = 3.1060965154E-01  + 
RE_062 = 3.0880072102E-01  + 
RE_063 = 3.0669579455E-01  + 
RE_064 = 3.0311303942E-01  + 
RE_065 = 3.0107858770E-01  + 
RE_066 = 2.9932322500E-01  + 
RE_067 = 2.9700039780E-01  + 
RE_068 = 2.9759622342E-01  - 
RE_069 = 2.9664898477E-01  + 
RE_070 = 2.9756365444E-01  - 
RE_071 = 2.9800501975E-01  - 
RE_072 = 2.9874181331E-01  - 
RE_073 = 2.9949798499E-01  - 
RE_074 = 2.9992909792E-01  - 
RE_075 = 3.0060777200E-01  - 
RE_076 = 3.0070770086E-01  - 
RE_077 = 3.0088458842E-01  - 
RE_078 = 3.0093868966E-01  - 
RE_079 = 3.0089677962E-01  -+
RE_080 = 3.0142861333E-01  - 
RE_081 = 3.0190185846E-01  - 
RE_082 = 3.0274418279E-01  - 
RE_083 = 3.0366630238E-01  - 
RE_084 = 3.0465627589E-01  - 
RE_085 = 3.0581386473E-01  - 
RE_086 = 3.0694109264E-01  - 
RE_087 = 3.0827569606E-01  - 
RE_088 = 3.0962343848E-01  - 
RE_089 = 3.1110011556E-01  - 
Checkpoint (iteration) saved

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